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Dynamic Input Tool - Not updating query when using a shared Gallery data connection

6 - Meteoroid



I'm using a Dynamic Input Tool to 'Replace a Specific String' in a query. This works as expected when using a 'user' created data connection, however if I change from the 'user' created connection to the equivalent connection that has been created and shared from the Gallery (as I'll be uploading at some point) the Dynamic Input Tool doesn't seem to replace the specific string...


Any ideas as to why this might occur?


The query remains exactly the same in both cases, the only difference is switching from a 'user' connection to the equivalent 'Gallery' connection.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

It is probably not resolving the alias correctly and updating the correct piece of it. Are you able to show a copy of the logs and messages?


Can you try swapping the connection for the DB connection to the full path? I think the easiest way to generate this is to create a in-DB connection. It will be what is shown in the Connection String section. You can copy and paste this to your input instead of the user alias.




6 - Meteoroid

Just to clarify the specific string being replaced is a 'date'. Where clause being updated; where date >= 'datechange'


The query executes in the Dynamic Input Tool successfully with either connection, however the date is replaced correctly in the user created connection (results as expected) but this is not the case when using the Gallery connection, results for dates before that specified in the query, despite the correct date being shown in the query/yresults pane as being present and correct.
