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Dynamic File and Sheet Name with Render/Layout Tools

7 - Meteor

Hey there,


I know there are a few threads on this topic but I haven't found any that solve my issue. I have a workflow where I'm using the Render tool to output formatted Excel sheets with a dynamic filename into 4 different tabs. Everything works great except that the output gives me standard "sheet1", "sheet2", etc names without an option to rename them. I know that the Layout tool can accomplish this but then I can't use the dynamic filename. I need to keep the dynamic filename and can't compromise on any of the formatting. Any suggestions for how to accomplish this?


Thanks a ton in advance!!


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @cmohyi, can you take a look at the attached sample workflow and let us know if this is what you are looking for? the workflow has multiple formula tools which define the individual excel tab names after each Table tool. They are subsequently Union'd and passed onto the render tool for output.  

7 - Meteor

Hey, thanks - this was helpful - the dynamic sheet name is working.

However, I would really like to able to have a dynamic file name as well.  I have the path/file name I want to use in a field, but the render tool doesn't allow me to "program" both.  I tried using file path/filename.xlsz|||sheet name as one big field, But I got the following error:

Error: Render (432): The file "filepath\file name|||sheet name" is not a supported format. 

Any ideas?  Thanks!
