Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Drop down & restrict adding/deleting columns

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I have a quick question, is there a way where the excel output can have a drop-down already built-in for certain columns? or restrict the data type interned in the excel file? 


To give you some context, I usually send excel files for other people to add data when I get the excel file back. I get it back with the weirdest answers filed in. for example, they will write FORTY PERCENT, instead of 40%. and then I will have to waste time fixing hundreds of mistakes like this. 


if there are any other suggestions, please share them. 


Thank you,

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

If I understand your intention correctly.
It is required to have some data validation inside when you generated the output Excel file?

We may use a template with the Validation Rule embedded in and use the option "Preserve format" to write data only.

But note that Alteryx can ignore those rule and write data anyway since validation will valid for manual input.

