Hi Folks
I want to get an access token & data from the Genesys Purecloud API. I have tried various ways to put the information into the download tool but have not been able to get a token, let alone data!
The Genesys DeveloperForum doesn’t mention Alteryx & the Alteryx Community doesn’t mention Purecloud.
Attached is my workflow (2018.4).
Below are pics of each tool as well as links to the doco that specifies the input, the requests & the JSON response containing the token.
Don't know what I am doing wrong, but hope someone out there can spot it 🙂
{"message":"HTTP 404 Not Found","code":"not found","status":404,"contextId":"5b25a7b0-191d-4b3c-8846-44255f518204","details":[],"errors":[]}
HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established
Proxy-Agent: Zscaler/6.0
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 140
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 22:33:39 GMT
ININ-Correlation-Id: 5b25a7b0-191d-4b3c-8846-44255...
Résolu ! Accéder à la solution.
Looks like they're using OAuth.
This means you'll likely need two Download Tools:
1. First one to present your credentials and receive a token in return. Double check which parts of the payload are base64 encoded, it may just be the credentials individually.
2. Second download tool to pass the token to an API. The URI you have below may be scrubbed, but its likely that it will be of the form "https://api.mypurecloud.com.au/api/rest/api/v2/..."
Working with web services like this, it can be helpful to use a tool like Postman (https://www.postman.com/) to get the two requests down, and then build out the Alteryx tools to fit.
As an alternative, you could probably leverage the Python SDK (https://developer.mypurecloud.com/api/rest/client-libraries/python/) and a Python tool to connect to the site.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for responding Matt
Agreed re Oauth & 2 download tools. I have checked the B64 encoding too. If I ever get to the 2nd download tool I will try that URI "https://api.mypurecloud.com.au/api/rest/api/v2/..." !
I was hoping not to have to go down the postman & python paths, but you suggesting them makes me think that might have to be the next step
- they have tutorials with Python code eg https://developer.mypurecloud.com/api/tutorials/oauth-client-credentials/?language=python&step=1.
- & if I can install postman I might work through...
Fingers crossed, let's see what another day brings!
Hi Everyone
I am posting a solution to my problem in case it helps anyone else out there to use Alteryx to pull Genesys PureCloud data.
The attached workflow (2018.4) successfully pulls Client Credential data from our PureCloud instance. The entities and permissions in the Download Data field match the first page of Role data found at https://apps.mypurecloud.com.au/directory/#/admin/directory/rolesV2.
Setting up the Download tools with the correct URL, Header & Payload was a process of trying different settings suggested by the Genesys doco & tutorials.
There may be many solutions, but this setup worked for me:
Here are examples of the parsed
Hope this helps someone!!
All the best
This really helps and I had an already working API workflow which no longer works when they authorization API. I am able to generate the token , however when I am using that token to read the Data API it fails.
Slightly different from your method, I am using Authorization as "Bearer "+[access_token].. It fails with "{"faultcode":"Server", "faultstring":"Authorization Failed"}".
Any thoughts ?
Hi Jay,
Where you able to resolve the issue and share the fix please.
Hi, my colleague and I were very happy to find your workflow. Our company recently started using PureCloud. We are reviewing your PureCloud access workflow and are curious whether you have had to update it since 2020. We appreciate any help you can provide.
Thank you,
Tracy Sackellares
Hi @jayviz & @tracysackellares,
I am so glad my workflow helped you!! I did that as a POC 2 years ago now and haven't touched it since. It proved that we could get data from PureCloud & that was all we needed. So I am sorry, but I can't offer any advice other than what I recorded in the original posts, & obviously things could have changed since then.
It would be great if you could post the issues and solutions you find, so others can benefit.
All the best, Susan
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