I would like to add a column from File 2 to File 1. We can link those files with a common KEY.
And I would like to obtain the same number of lines in input File 1 than in the output (Browse on the very right of the printscreen).
However, I have more lines in the output than in the input. How can this happen? How can I remediate this?
Thank you.
You have a duplicated keys on the key column that's why.
So you have to group by key or use unique tool and select the key column.
Hope this helps,
Thank you for your answer, however, I've already add a group by to the key in file 2 (see print screen). I still have more lines in the output. Am I understanding this wrong?
Hi @GdeH
Assuming you want to the output to include the same number of rows as File 1, add a RecordID after your File 1 input and one after the Summarize tool. Attach a Unique tool to the J output of your Join tool and configure it to look for unique values based on the RecordID from File1. Look at the records in the D output of the Unique tool. The RecordID from File2 will show you which rows from File 2 are being duplicated in your output.