Hello , please i have a excel file that containe a line with title but i want to remove theme and import only the rest . I uploaded the file when you open it you will understand . Pleaase Help and thnx for all
Hi @Ayari ,
Unfortunately I can't run your workflow, getting an error with your Excel file. Can you share a screenshot of your data ?
I hope you can see it , Actually i want to juststart manipulationg the data that start from line 4
Then you can use Sample tool the way you did, skipping first 3 rows, but not using the group by option !
@atcodedog05 got your back with his solution I think !
Hi @Ayari
Yup, thats right can you give my above workflow a try 🙂 and let me know if you are facing issues.
thnx for you all but i got this error !