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Debugging of workflow in Alteryx

11 - Bolide

Hello Champ,


How we debug the code line by line written in Java and Python, Similarly is there a way to debug the Alterxy Workflow.

Component by Component Where is the issue.


Support with a workflow is needed.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @rohit782192 


There is no way that you can pause a workflow to examine the contents of the current data stream and then continue running.  It is possible to completely stop a workflow after a certain condition is met using a Message tool as shown in this article which includes an example. 


If you want to examine the data at any point in the workflow, add a Browse tool to the tool you want to inspect and the tool before.  In the top right of the results window of both Browse tools choose New Window(all records)



This will open up a floating window containing the data from each browse tool, allowing you to compare the records line by line






11 - Bolide

In the Event we can set an Email and after run we will get all the details in the email.
