Hi All,
My Column 'date' is calculated using the Date diff formula by using two dates using months as the Unit
Then after that i am trying to create a Bucket Column using the below formula and its not working as i am getting an error.
IF date1 > 0 AND date1 <= 3 THEN '0-3 Months' ELSEif
date1 > 3 AND date1 <= 6 THEN '3-6 Months' ELSEif
date1 > 6 AND date1 <= 9 THEN '6-9 Months' ELSEIF
date1 > 9 AND date1 <= 12 THEN '9-12 Months' ELSEIF
date1 > 12 AND date1 <= 24 THEN 'MORE 1 YEARS' ++' ELSEIF
date1 > 24 THEN 'MORE 2 YEARS' ++' else isnull(date1) then 'N/A' endif
Secondly i want to implement the same above formula in 'date2' column where i can create another formula which is fine.
but what i am looking for is i need one month bucket formula to be applied in date1 and date2 column using multi field formula please.