I am trying to pull information from Dynamics 365 based on Modified date.
Ideally when the workflow runs i would like all data for the last 7 days (sysdate-7).
I've got a workflow using dataverse input which is pulling data from Dynamics 365 successfully. i've converted this into a macro, is it possible to update the parameters in the dataverse input with something like sysdate-7 when filtering manually on modified date?
Yes. I don't use these tools -> but I can almost gurantee you that the answer is yes. your dynamic work occurs outside your macro-> you add a control parameter and an action tool into your macro. you use the action tool to replace a speciifc string -> which corresponds to the date range. you update that date range outside the macro and voila.
Yes, you can dynamically filter data based on the Modified Date in Dynamics 365 using the Dataverse Input Tool by leveraging parameters in your macro.Creat a Parameter DateFilter.Set the Default Value to something like DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(), -7, "days") if you want the last 7 days dynamically.Also configure the action tool (Update Value) and choose URL or Query to Modify