I need to go through each cell, and if the data type is numeric, I need to round it to 1 decimal. Can someone suggest a formula I can use? I have like 20 columns and 50 rows with some nulls.
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Can you provide some sample data? Within a given column is there a mix of numeric and non-numeric data?
Hi @bsheremeta,
I would recommend data cleansing and formatting before rounding, but if you do not want to or cannot cleanse/transform your data, the attached workflow will round any numeric only "cell" to a single decimal. The workflow uses two Multi-Field Formula tools. The first Multi-Field Formula tool rounds all numeric fields to a single decimal. The second Multi-Field Formula tool analyzes text fields for cells that are only numeric then rounds only those cells and leaves the other cells unchanged. The RegEx Match formula (^\d+\.*\d*$) does the following:
^ From the start of the string
\d+ Find one or more numbers followed by
\.* Zero or more periods followed by
\d* Zero or more numbers
$ End of string
The ^ and $ in the formula discard any strings that have a combination of text and numeric.
Let me know if you have questions.
I'd transpose and use regex to identify which columns are numbers and then round them as numbers and convert back to strings. Because your final columns are strings as set up - this is what jumped out to me...
I have a slightly different regex than @T_Willins as I would go for: "\d+\.\d+" which is any number of numbers - one period and at least one digit... I hadn't really considered the starts with a period or negative number scenario which would require a [\$-]* as a leading entry before the first \d... I think for the second \d{2,} is probably more correct - since scenarios with one or fewer decimals won't require rounding.