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Copy and Paste Excel from one folder to another and add date

8 - Asteroid


Hi all,


Have searched the forum and found a few similar solutions, but they either do not work for me when I hit run, or are massively convoluted for what I thought was a simple process.


I would like to copy and paste an Excel workbook from one folder to another - and for the pasted workbook add current date in the format DDMonYY - e.g. 27Jul21. So obviously would have to be dynamic.


So input file: Workbook.xlsx (stays in the same folder untouched)

Output file: Workbook 27Jul21.xlsx (copied to a different folder)


Wondering if there was an easy way of doing this using max 4 or so tools/connections?



Many thanks!

8 - Asteroid

Second question - is it possible to write to an output based on a wildcard?


In other words I am bringing in Workbook*.xlsx, but I want to write to a copy of this file which has the same name (the output is a copy of the input workbook in a different folder e.g. Workbook28Feb.


Reason is that I am writing to a range in order to maintain Excel formatting.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Wixard 


After you read the file as a blob you will still have the column from the directory input tool which will give you the filename of that specific file which you can use to create a new file.




Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

Amazing - thanks @atcodedog05 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @Wixard 

Cheers and have a nice day!

5 - Atom

Adding on to this. 


I need to continue to work on this new file Workbook 27Jul21.xlsx. How should I link it up to the rest of the workflow? 

8 - Asteroid

This is a really good solution. However, I am wondering if there is a way to delete the original file that you are copying. Essentially - what this is means is instead of copying and renaming with the date. I would like to CUT and rename with date.



7 - Meteor

Thanks! This works how I expected, how can i use this tool for daily files? Example: Using the same template file as the blob input and the same formula for the timestamp but different outputs for daily files? 

5 - Atom

Is it also possible to modify the workflow such that rather than specifying a particular source directly, it dynamically pickups the names of files and their respective locations through an excel file and then copy and pastes them into a path specified in a destination column?
