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Connect-InDB & Redshift

9 - Comet



It would be helpful, in the "help" section to always put example values for any fields for Data Sources.


ODBC is not new to me and I use it in different tools (Power Query etc.) but somehow Alteryx is complaining about my connection string. "is not known format"


All I've got is:




I used to have Port:5439 but removed it to see if it makes a difference

9 - Comet

Hi, I might be misunderstanding, but is the issue definitly not related to the ODBC data source setup? Does testing connection in ODBC data source adminstrator work?

Port 5439 is correct.





9 - Comet

When I use Input Tool it connects correctly and I use the window you just showed me and add Amazon Redshift to my User DSN, however Connect-In-DB does not behave the same

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi David,


First thing to check  to troublehoot this is the main difference between normal Input connectors and the In-DB setup. You need to configure the read & write tabs as that connection is then available to both connect and write tools. Check that the Write tab is filled out firstly and if so, then try to identify if there is any significant difference between them


Image 001 - 20151215 - 231214.png



9 - Comet

Apologies I missed the "InDB" part in your topic description. Follow what Kane has said.

For Read, connection string should just look like odbc: DSN=nameofyourDSN (without space between : and D) if you leave the username and password field blank when setting up the database connection in Alteryx, which you should be able to do unless there is a reason to not use the username saved in ODBC data source adminstrator?



In the 'write' section shown in Kanes screenshot, you should be able to just select "Same as read driver" unless writing needs to use a different ODBC connection or the bulk loader options

9 - Comet

I am quite surprised there isn't a better way to manage connections, something like Data Connection Catalog would be useful. It was very hard to get to the window where you create your DSN. If I wanted to use Input Data tool with the same connection (using odbc:DSN:<mydsn>) it would error out asking for credentials (even though credentials are saved within DSN)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@dawid_nawrot rest assured that we're constantly looking into improving the Alteryx user experience and connection to data sources is one area of focus. Stay tuned :-)



9 - Comet

Thank you @JCR I look forward to seeing change in that department!

5 - Atom

Good afternoon, I'm trying to make the In-DB connection however I have not succeeded, this message comes out. Then the connection string, is poorly written ?. I hope I can have the help of you thanks.


Connect-InDB & Redshift.PNG


Connect-InDB & Redshift 2.PNG

5 - Atom

Connect-InDB & Redshift 3.PNGConnect-InDB & Redshift 2.PNG

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