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Conditional routing using Radio buttons: Action tool errors out


I am using a chained apps and one of the apps has a conditional routing, which is facilitated by two radio buttons from Interface tool palette.  


The first radio button has a list box as shown below.  If I select couple of the records from the List box and run it, the error messages comes back saying "There were errors" The Action "Tool #18" has an error:  The file name is empty.    


The second radio button has a File brows tool.  When the first radio button is selected the 2nd radio button does not get any input and thus nothing is transferred to the Action Tool #18.  


When either radio button is selected, it disables the corresponding container.   


Is there a way to pass a default value to the Action tool in this case.  I have pretty much followed the workflows and user interface explained in one of the interactive lessons called "Implementing conditional routing".  In that lesson, both of the radio buttons have nested List boxes.  Mine is different in that the 2nd Radio button has a File Browse tool, instead.  


I have attached the image of the workflow as a PDF file.  











  • Apps
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Purpose ,


You are getting that error due to your container configuration.

Attached is an example showing how to configurate them. You need to leave one disabled and the other enabled in order to work.

The text is a bit confusing, I know because I've done the exact same thing as you did 🙂


Also, be careful, in my example the radio A is closing the container B and vice-versa.



Fernando Vizcaino


Thanks fmvizcaino for taking time to look at my issue,


I have attached the two apps and related input and output files in the below folder.  Also attached a word file that shows what a user a can select to run the apps.  You may have to change the file path to those files after you download the zip file. 


My second app is configured similarly to what you've.  Anyways, I did not make any changes and the error still exists.  




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Purpose ,


The only thing you need to do is to leave the action tool checkbox 'required' unchecked. That will prevent the error you are getting.




Fernando Vizcaino



Thanks Fernando,

It worked great.  


