Hi everyone
I want to use table 1 and table 2 - merge and compare with main file whilst generating a new main table with all the changes that are in the table 1 and table 2- and replacing the main table with the new generated file
This is a classic Join problem! Join the Main to the first, then the output of those to the second, and Union the outputs together. Something along these lines:
Main ---->Join--->Union---> Join----> Union
Table 1--^ ^
Table 2-----------------------------^
If you want direct help, please provide us with the data so we don't have to type it from scratch!
If you could provide a sample input and output, we may take a closer look with some sample flow.
Hi @Zan_1 ,
What is the common unique key of the tables?
[Batch] or [Batch] + [Student Id] ?
Batch '1333' is updated from [Student Id] as '3333' to '1111'. So it seems the key is just [Batch].
But if you look at Batch '9999', a new record ([Student Id] as '5555') is added while the Batch No already exist in the original table.
The unique key is batch- I have attached the excel file of the table for the flow
Batch has to mirror as the main file and add any additional batch numbers from the other two files - rest of the table columns should be from file 2 and 3 and if there is empty cell then it should output "N"