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Chained Apps on Gallery - displaying results mid application

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


After reading through several threads, it seems like many people are struggling with the problem of displaying the output results of a mid application on gallery. Is this is even possible? if not then what would be the workaround?



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I can usually accomplish what I want by making or using the output of app #1 in app #2.  What is the use case?  What do  you need to display to the user at the end of app #1, that couldn't be displayed at the beginning of app #2?

8 - Asteroid

Hi @mbarone . Thank you for replying. The use case is that user has to get a preview of the data before giving any arguments to the interaction tools. Displying results at the beginning of the 2nd app would also serve the purpose if user sees the data preview before interacting with the app 2. But how to show results of the app 1 in the beginning of the app 2? How do you do that?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Well, there are a few ways to do this, depending on the actual use.  For example, if the user needs to pick from a list of "things" that app2 will then use for processing, you can end app1 with creating the list for app2 to pick from, and then display that list to the user at the start of app2, where they pick their selections, and that feeds the tools in app2.


What is the data like that they need to preview, and how does it effect that processing of app2?

8 - Asteroid

So here is my case. I have a table as the output from app1 and user wants to preview this table before making a selection of things (fields) out of this table in app2. So now I output this table at the end of app1 and I want to display this table at the beginning of app2. How can I achieve this? 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Here is how I would do it:

Create APP1 with output YXDB1.  


Create APP2 with a Select tool connected to YXDB1 from APP1.

Connect the Select Tool to a List Box tool.  Connect the List Box Tool to an Action Tool, and connect the action tool BACK to the select tool.  For the Action Tool choose mode "Update Select with multi-select ListBox", and make sure in the select tool itself the "Unknown" field is checkmarked.


Chain APP2 to APP1.  When you send APP1 to the Gallery, make sure to send YXDB1 with it as an asset.  

8 - Asteroid

This has taught me alot. Thank you @mbarone. One last thing, if I want to show a list of fields only then is there a way to do that also? or I would need to output that from app1 too. I tried it with ListBox tool but it only shows field types as a list

8 - Asteroid

I figured it out. Thank you. It worked 🙂

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Excellent - glad to help!

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