I am a little confused on a scenario i am encountering.
I have a formula that evaluates if a cell is populated or not. However i have scenario below, where to me the "Value" field appears blank / empty but the formula is staying that its populated.
ideally as the "Value" Column is blank it should return "Fail" and not "Pass"
Formula :
if isnull([Value]) or isempty([Value]) then 'Fail 'else 'Pass' endif
@danilang That makes sense - but how do you then reverse it to highlight that the the long dash is the char that would fail the validation ?
Take out the Not operator "^" at the front and it will replace all the valid characters leaving only the dash [A-Z|a-z|0-9|... vs [^A-Z|a-z|0-9|...
REGEX_Replace([name], '[A-Z|a-z|0-9|À|È|Ì}Ò|Ù|à|è|ì|ò|ù|Á|É|Í|Ó|Ú|Ý|á|é|í|ó|ú|ý|Â|Ê|Î|Ô|Û|â|ê|î|ô|û|Ã|Ñ|Õ|ã|ñ|õ|Ä|Ë|Ï|Ö|Ü|Ÿ|ä|ë|ï|ö|ü|Ÿ|¡|¿|ç|Ç|Œ|œ|ß|Ø|ø|Å|å|Æ|æ|Þ|þ|Ð|ð|!||"|#|$|%|&|\(|\)|\*|\+|,|\-|\.|\/|\:|;|\<|\=|\>|\?\|@|\[|\\|\]|\^|_|`|\{|\||\}|\~|¢|£|¤|¥|¦|§|¨|©|ª|«|¬||®|¯|°|±|²|³|´|µ|¶|·|¸|¹|º|»|¼|½| |¾|\}]', "")
@danilang That's very useful indeed. I have included the additional item in Bold, as i have embedded new lines.
'[A-Z|a-z|0-9|À|È|Ì}Ò|Ù|à|è|ì|ò|ù|Á|É|Í|Ó|Ú|Ý|á|é|í|ó|ú|ý|Â|Ê|Î|Ô|Û|â|ê|î|ô|û|Ã|Ñ|Õ|ã|ñ|õ|Ä|Ë|Ï|Ö|Ü|Ÿ|ä|ë|ï|ö|ü|Ÿ|¡|¿|ç|Ç|Œ|œ|ß|Ø|ø|Å|å|Æ|æ|Þ|þ|Ð|ð|!||"|#|$|%|&|\(|\)|\*|\+|,|\-|\.|\/|\:|;|\<|\=|\>|\?\|@|\[|\\|\]|\^|_|`|\{|\||\}|\~|¢|£|¤|¥|¦|§|¨|©|ª|«|¬||®|¯|°|±|²|³|´|µ|¶|·|¸|¹|º|»|¼|½| |¾|\}|\s+]', "")
I have created a formula for each name and address fields which puts the invalid chars into designated columns.
I then add a recordid to the dataset then transpose the data (on all the new columns) and then have another formula to evaluate if the field is empty / null. However I am seeing record identifying as “pass” but the field appears blank
Referring to your earlier post I am trying to execute on these steps. But this is where I am stuck (probably me begin stupid )
I will try and provide more scenarios tomorrow to articulate the problem , but if you run it for that one test record you should see what I mean