After updating to v2021.2.1 yesterday, I started getting this error:
Error: TS Forecast Factory (233): Tool #20: Can't find plugin "AlteryxRPluginEngine.dll"
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Alteryx Intelligence Suite (2021.2) to no avail.
What changed? And how do I fix this?
When you updated to v2021.2.1 did you also install the corresponding R tools too? The download/executable should look something like "RInstaller_2021.2.1.exe"
Charles, yes, three times. But a different File name: AlteryxAISInstall_2021.2.1.35394.exe. There's no "RInstaller_2021.2.1.exe" option on my licenses page. However, this AI installer does install all the same R libraries.
@mceleavey I do not. Not with this 2021.2.1 update. It all was there with the 2021.2 update.
Try this link, and if that doesn't work I would raise a ticket with Alteryx support:
This appears correct when I view the downloads page. If it has not been fixed in your view, then definitely contact Support.
I've got the same problem - am seriously regretting my life choices in installing 2021.2!
Did you raise a ticket with Alteryx support?
I did raise a ticket and they fixed pretty fast. For some reason, the R tools license wasn't showing up for me and some other was in its place and I assumed is was just a renamed version of the R tools link. The name hasn't changed. Once it appeared on my licenses page, all when well. --Dean
ODBC connections DIED for me - but I needed to edit my environmental variables. There is now a knowledge base article on this that gives exceptionally detailed instructions (believe me, you need them) and I was back up and running again - How to Edit Environment Variables for Oracle - Alteryx Community