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Can I get back the ETL designer flow that is schedule

6 - Meteoroid



We have a ETL flow that is schedule and used but we have lost the source code or more exactly the designer flow. So we can't see the designer flow for ETL flow that is used and schedule. Is it possible in any way to get back into the designer what is actually schedule and used.


Kind Regards

Tony Johansson

13 - Pulsar

Hello @tojo 


Either you use the gallery and then you can download the workflow, either you don't use the gallery and the worfklow is somewhere on alteryx server (but you will need the server admin help).

Best regards

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Again.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

Assume that the workflow that is schedule is called Foo_ETL.yxmd.

We have this Foo_ETL.yxmd but it is broken and can't be run because is has been changed and then saved.

So this mean that this Foo_ETL.yxmd that is schedule differ from the this  Foo_ETL.yxmd. that we open in the designer.


This Foo_ETL.yxmd that is schedule is located in azure.

What I do hope to be able to is to fetch the Foo_ETL.yxmd that is schedule into the designer.


Kind regard

Tony Johansson




13 - Pulsar

What I was explaining is there several ways to schedule a workflow but for every way, the worflow is available on the server... can you clarify how you do your scheduling ?

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Again!


Here is the workflow that is schedule 



Here is the workflow 


that we can open in Alteryx designer. But this workflow is not the one that has been schedule

I want to be able to open the workflow that has been schedule.


Kind Regards

Tony Johansson


6 - Meteoroid

Hello Again!


It seems more or less impossible to get the work flow that is schedule



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