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CSV with extra columns sometimes causing errors

6 - Meteoroid

I work with csvs that sometimes have errors in them. For example, they may have 3 columns, but some rows happen to have more columns in the data. 


For example, my file could look something like this:


Col1, Col2, Col3

a,       b,      c

d,       e,      f

g,       h,      i,    j


So my file will error on the 3rd row because it looks like it has 4 columns but the csv only has 3 columns. I don't have control over how the csv is created so I can't change this.


I come from a Python background but am transitioning to a team that uses Alteryx so I'm trying to figure out how to handle this situation in Alteryx. In Python, I currently have my program just create more columns than I need so it imports everything I can then filter to the problem rows and fix them.


My files have millions of rows (normally around 10 - 30 rows will be like I described and there can sometimes be several extra commas, not just one extra.



14 - Magnetar

Hi, @drudd75077 


FYI. You can use tokenize method of regex by most columns to contain your data.



13 - Pulsar

There are several solutions, but what may be the best for you is to select the following Input Tool Setting:


This will import the error rows as Null's, which you can then filter out.

6 - Meteoroid


I don't think this will solve my problem. My problem is that I can't import the CSV data into Alteryx to begin with because the problem rows error out. I know how to resolve them once I can get them in the tool.

6 - Meteoroid


But then I have null rows, I want to get the data into Alteryx.

13 - Pulsar


This approach keeps 3 columns and leaves the extra data in the third column.

6 - Meteoroid



Perfect exactly what I was looking for. 
