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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Batch Marco for Pagination?

8 - Asteroid

Can someone please help me understand if we can utilise Batch Macro for pagination and, if so, how we can implement it with a simple example?


Thank you so much!

15 - Aurora

Yes, you can use Batch Macro in Alteryx for pagination. Batch Macro is a tool that allows you to split your data into smaller batches and perform the same set of operations on each batch. You can use this functionality to create a pagination solution where you process a limited number of records at a time.


you might find some good videos for batch macro on YouTube as well


8 - Asteroid

Hi @Raj  appreciative of your response.
In fact, I searched YouTube but was unable to locate any videos on pagination using Batch Macro. Would you kindly point me in the direction of any videos on it? Thanks 
