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Alteryx Reporting Table Tool

8 - Asteroid

I want to color the specific cells in  my report table on the condition of increasing and decreasing, as increasing quantity shows

with green color and the decreasing quantity with red color, but the columns headers are in form of months with years like

(Feb 2022,Mar 2022, etc) these headers change dynamically, how we can apply conditions with color in these headers that are changing dynamically.

Manually doing is taking too much time and when a new year header comes the condition does not affect that. Please help me !!!



color these quantities green for positive values and red for negative values for each cell.


the headers are like these dates 




how to give conditions that affect each cell as per quantities using reporting table tool.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @arsh011 


Try this updated workflow.


Hope this helps : )

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @atcodedog05  man !!!! for your help, you are really a lifesaver :).

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @arsh011 

If my response helps please don't forget to mark it as solution.

Cheers and have a nice day!
