Hey, there. I'm working on this assignment for class and I am stumped. The data relates to global auto sales. The issue I currently have is: some of the "region" fields are incorrect based on the "country of sale" field and have to be corrected within Alteryx. I have manually identified the issues (they are in the .PNG file below). I'm not sure how to correct them in Alteryx. Is there some expression I can write given the countries that constitute each region and fix it that way or now that I've manually identified the incorrect values, is there a better path? Alteryx file is included below with a screen shot of the incorrect entries and the instructions for the assignment. This part is #5 a on page 12. The table with each region and it's component countries is found on page 2. I'll keep working on it. Any advice would be a great help.
I'd have the correct lookup between the Country of Sale and the Region as an Input in my process - you can use the Text Input Module if you don't have it available as a file/table already. Once available, you can use the Find Replace module to ensure all of the entries are correct.
You can find more on how to you Find Replace here.