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Default glossary terms become hidden upon first bulk import to Glossary folder (in 20.2)

8 - Asteroid

I stumbled upon new behavior in Connect 20.2 and I'm trying to figure out if it's a bug or by design. To reproduce...


  1. I exported the Glossary folder to xls
  2. In the 'term' sheet, I appended the default terms by adding 3 rows to the end (incl the parent folder xid)
  3. I imported the Glossary file and noticed that there were 9 rejects in the 'relations' sheet
  4. When I checked the Glossary folder in the UI, I saw that the 9 default terms were gone and only my 3 new terms were displayed

When I took a closer look at the exported glossary file I saw that each default term was assigned a 'lifecycleStatusSearchable' (see screenshot) fieldcode in the relations sheet. It appears that this relationship is what has caused the terms to disappear/hide after an import. That fieldcode appears to pertain to a 'decertify' lifecycle status. 


Is this by design? I could see why, perhaps, you want to remove your default (mock) terms after real terms have been added by a user. In past versions of Connect, the relations sheet wasn't setup in this way so an update and subsequent import of a Glossary file retained the default terms.




Hi @James_First_Mile


I reproduced this issue on our 2020.2 test server and escalated it for further research. I will follow up with more information as soon as it is available. 


Hi @James_First_Mile


Development is correcting this issue. A fix will be available soon, likely in 20.3. 

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @EricWe