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Connect Glossary hierarchy for terms

7 - Meteor

Using a workaround due to the known issue with the Glossary export functionality we have succesfully output a Glossary.xls and uploaded/imported rows. I was thinking that the Glossary would allow a nested hierachy, i.e. uploading a single term, re-extracting to identify the xid and then uploading children of that term using the xid but these entries were rejected. May I confirm if a nester hieracrhy for glossary terms is supported? It nof supported on upload I would be interested as to whether/howthe relationship can subsequently be established through the GUI.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @Andrew_Paterson_BCG,


Nested hierarchies should be supported.


When you are creating the list of terms to import, you can actually specify your own custom XID of objects.


Just instead of that hashed out random value assigned from Connect, this could be something like "CUSTOMER_CHURN" for XID.


That's the same for the FOLDERS sheet. You can create new folders and assign your own XIDs.


This should make it simple to actually then reference the folders from the entries to import.


If you want, just send me the excel you have with the first few rows in the entries tab and I will prep the example for you.



David Matyas
Sales Engineer
6 - Meteoroid
Tried it and it failed with the following error.

Beth Roberts | Lead Data Architect for Downstream Manufacturing, Trading&Supply, EPF and Chemicals - Shell Polymers
Shell International Petroleum Company Limited.| Shell Centre, London, SE17NA
Registered in England: No. 621148, Registered office: Shell Centre, London SE1 7NA, VAT Reg. No. GB 235 763 255 (000)
Phone: please use skype | eMail:
6 - Meteoroid

I want to do something similar

Create an overall glossary containing multiple glossaries, then folders with sub folders.

Then load the business terms at each level.

I've successfully created the glossaries and folders.

I then created a business term in what I thought was the relevant glossary using the UI, but it only displays it in the overall glossary. The business specific glossary does not show any specific terms - nothing listed 

However when I do click on it from the overall glossary, it does show it's connected to the business specific glossary in the nexus.


1. How can I configure UI/glossary to display the specific terms for that glossary?

2. How can I create a specific XID for a glossary for automated load from xls?


What is the difference in behavior between a glossary vs folder/sub folder? 


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Beth_R,


It almost sounds like you did not correctly specify the PARENT_XID for your entries. I.e. the ID you gave to your folders.

Can you possibly share some short sample of the glossary you are trying to import? Happy to check it out.



David Matyas
Sales Engineer
6 - Meteoroid

I can see that the glossary terms loaded into the correct folder, as when I search for the business term it shows up in the results.
However, I can't get the terms to display in the folder.
What should be in the "All Entries" field ? because when I leave this blank ( default) then nothing shows up below the folder description
Only when I add something like "report" or "a" does anything relevant display below. I've tried leaving it blank , * are space and I'm still not getting the full list.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Beth_R could you please try to set up the folder with all entries with the following text?



David Matyas
Sales Engineer
6 - Meteoroid

I tried the following in the AllEntries field




I get a warning message when I press save

WARNING Failed to save <<Folder name>>

AubAppField{FieldCode=entries, fieldType=SubAppfiledType, Value=null} cannot hold entries of Application folder.


When I tried table , without the type in front- all that gave me was a list of entries where "table" is in the name or description


Is there an available list of what the entries can be in the AllEntries field and what functionality each give on the display?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Beth_R as I suggested previously, please try




rather than type:table.


The glossary entries are of term type and this should get them displayed correctly.

David Matyas
Sales Engineer
6 - Meteoroid

I've tried combinations of

term:type , I was trying term:table as well. I'm still getting the warning message.


I have a structure



When I set AllEntries to type:term on BusinssFolder1- its shows all the terms, but I don't see the SubBusinessFolder2 in the list.

How can I set the entry to display either the sub folder +terms or just the subfolder?

When I set AllEntries to type:term on SubBusinessFolder2 - then I get the warning.

I want to see the terms at this level.


Is there a limit to the business glossary folder hierarchy? Is it valid to have sub folders?