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Connect Glossary hierarchy for terms

7 - Meteor

Using a workaround due to the known issue with the Glossary export functionality we have succesfully output a Glossary.xls and uploaded/imported rows. I was thinking that the Glossary would allow a nested hierachy, i.e. uploading a single term, re-extracting to identify the xid and then uploading children of that term using the xid but these entries were rejected. May I confirm if a nester hieracrhy for glossary terms is supported? It nof supported on upload I would be interested as to whether/howthe relationship can subsequently be established through the GUI.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I think all folders need to be set up to hold the objects of TERM and have type:term set up in all entries parameter.

A folder can have as many subfolders as you want but in a folder you will only see the direct child objects/terms that are contained in that folder, not subfolders.

If this does not fix the issue, could you share the export of your attempts? Using the ... top right corner on Glossary should do the trick. 

Also please share with me the printscreens of subfolders settings to



David Matyas
Sales Engineer
5 - Atom

I am not able to restrict the terms to folder level and all the terms including the ones in the subfolder are appearing, I am using type: term

@DavidM wrote:

I think all folders need to be set up to hold the objects of TERM and have type:term set up in all entries parameter.

A folder can have as many subfolders as you want but in a folder you will only see the direct child objects/terms that are contained in that folder, not subfolders.

If this does not fix the issue, could you share the export of your attempts? Using the ... top right corner on Glossary should do the trick. 

Also please share with me the printscreens of subfolders settings to




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @SujayHazra 

I actually reached out and talked to the Product Manager of Connect and he cascaded to the Development leadership as I could not figure out an elegant way to achieve what you needed.
Currently there is only one way to get to what you need. So in the folder’s setup, for the field ALL ENTRIES you can do the following:

Type:term AND parent:49bdd66e-7393-4dd6-8089-57c56da8952e

Where that parent value stands for the XID (id of the folder). you can find it out either in excel export of your Glossary or in URL of your browser.

If you would like to propose a more sophisticated, out-of-the-box solution, change in backend of Connect is needed.

The PM of Connect and I agreed that the best way to request this is through:

Please make sure that you tag VojtechT for visibility (Vojtech Talasek is Connect’s PM).
David Matyas
Sales Engineer
5 - Atom
Great info