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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The beautiful thing about the Alteryx Weekly Challenge (or almost all the problems we have in this world) is that there is not only one solution for a challenge, and there are many ways to solve your problem. 



Source: Tenor


You can solve a problem like this.



By @AkimasaKajitani


Or this. 



By @MilindG 


Or even this! 



By @Kenda


We would like to introduce a new way to solve your problem – Alteryx Designer Cloud! 




Starting today, we are going to offer 2 weekly challenges each month that can be solved both by the desktop version of Designer and by Designer Cloud. The other weekly challenges in a given month will remain solvable just with the desktop version of Designer. 


The weekly challenge will provide the starting workflow (and the solution workflow one week later), as well as raw data files for you to start with in Designer Cloud when a challenge is compatible with both platforms. 


Haven’t heard about Designer Cloud yet? Watch a demo. 



Source: Tenor


Happy Solving! 

17 - Castor

Awesome, waiting to see more in the upcoming days!!!!

7 - Meteor

How can I get access to Designer Cloud? I signed up for the early access but have yet to receive a link. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@VernOfVrain I'm certain someone from the product team will be in touch soon. In the meantime, you can try the "traditional" designer cloud by signing up for a free trail here

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I logged in and it seems that I have to learn another application. 😂

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Qiu This is true but exciting. I recommend starting here if you're interested. 

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Is there any guidance on how people should submit weekly challenges completed using Designer Cloud, is it a screenshot of the recipe that you are after, as it's not visual in the same way as a screenshot from Designer Desktop?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@cgoodman3 at the top-right corner of the recipe, click the ellipsis button and choose Export. 


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Would it be possible to introduce tagging to the weekly challenge posts so it is easier to find who has posted a desktop or a cloud based solution in the thread?