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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Broomfield Office.jpgManagement expert Ken Blanchard called it “The Breakfast of Champions.” Tedx Speaker Ann marie Houghtailing referred to it as “a free education to excellence.” American professor of cognitive science and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction Douglas Hofstadter stated it in a circular manner:


“You make decisions, take actions, affect the world, receive feedback from the world, incorporate it into yourself, then the updated ‘you’ makes more decisions, and so forth... "


Feedback, as our notable mentions have pointed out, makes the world go round, or if you are Hofstadter, ‘round and round."


This past September, Alteryx ACEs Cady Brooks (@Cady) and Jack Morgan (@jack_morgan) traveled to the Broomfield office to share their candid feedback on a two-day visit where the team was eager to listen. Jack and Cady are both Alteryx User Group leaders in their local cities and are actively sharing their data-has with the greater Alteryx Community. Both ACEs met with associates in Product Development, Product Management, Creative Services, Community, providing their perspective, pain points, and even their ultimate wish lists to Alteryx.


Here are some of our ACEs’ impressions on the visit:

“Excited for visualization enhancements! Would like to trial Connect…I had a great time.”

“Can I come back soon?”


Thanks Jack and Cady!Thanks Jack and Cady!

With passion and determination, Alteryx users continue to rise by demonstrating their mastery of Alteryx as well as their willingness to share their knowledge with the greater community. They are committed to constructively helping Alteryx improve our product offering for every user at all skill levels.


The ACE program highlights a few of the most influential, supportive experts of Alteryx Analytics and recognizes them for the meaningful impact they are making, not just inside of their organizations — but across the analytics community.


To learn more and provide feedback about the ACE program, click here or contact us at

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing Specialist

Tatiana works on content built on the energy and analytic victories of Alteryx users around the world who are experiencing “a-ha” moments almost as often as the runs to their workflows. With over 6 years of experience in content strategy and development with roles in marketing, public relations, and advocacy, Tatiana delights in the world of words, including its power to connect others. You can find her in Irvine, CA at Alteryx Headquarters and follow her on Twitter @tyservin or LinkedIn.

Tatiana works on content built on the energy and analytic victories of Alteryx users around the world who are experiencing “a-ha” moments almost as often as the runs to their workflows. With over 6 years of experience in content strategy and development with roles in marketing, public relations, and advocacy, Tatiana delights in the world of words, including its power to connect others. You can find her in Irvine, CA at Alteryx Headquarters and follow her on Twitter @tyservin or LinkedIn.
