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Folks!! It’s almost December! It’s like it keeps happening over and over again!


It's nearly time again for the annual Advent of Code. If you joined us last year, much of the setup will be exactly the same, save for a couple of new items for 2023! For those not familiar, this is a set of 25 puzzles (each with two parts) set by Eric Wastl. They have a Christmas theme and story and are solvable with just a little programming knowledge and some puzzle-solving skills. The puzzles start quite easy and get increasingly more complicated, and part two of each day can often be a lot harder.


As the Alteryx legend himself a few years ago, @AdamR suggested we try solving these AoC puzzles in Alteryx, and so a new annual tradition began. In the past few years, the amazing ACE @jdunkerley79 ran with this, and now that he’s moved on to more amazingness, myself and many of the ACEs didn't want to let this tradition end! It’s worth noting that the puzzles do not necessarily suit Alteryx directly, but trying to think about how to solve them is an excellent chance to sharpen your skills.


We created some rules (because the universe is governed by laws and these… ok I’ll stop now. You get the point) – We will be solving using "BaseA":




  • No RunCommand tool
  • No Python tool
  • No R tool
  • No SDK-based Custom Tools (macros are fine)
  • No Formula SDK extensions
  • No AI (New Rule in 2023!)
  • Download tool allowed for downloading (no posting to APIs to get answers from!)


We would love for you to join us!

  • We have an Alteryx private leaderboard on the Advent of Code platform you can join by going to this leaderboard page and using the code 908788-a11e85b1.
    • Please use either your real name or your community name so we can make sure we 1) Give you proper credit and 2) Don’t accidentally remove you because we think you are a bot or non-Alteryx user.
  • We are chatting on the Alteryx Community under the Advent of Code label as well as on our Advent of Code WhatsApp Group


The leaderboard awards points by the order in which they are solved. As the puzzles are published at midnight Eastern time, this gives those who live on the West Coast an advantage (Tell me @NicoleJ, why did I move to Florida again?) Generally, this means it is fairest to look at total stars rather than points.


Now, if that wasn’t enough to convince you, then this surely will. YOU WILL GET AN AoC BADGE, BABY!


Advent of Code badge.png


Yep, it’s true! You can earn the exclusive AoC Community Badge on your profile by participating in the discussion threads on Community. Isn’t she a beauty?  


For this year, you’ll see Community threads (like this one) started each day in the General Discussion forum for that day’s puzzles, where you can either ask for help or post your solution, much like weekly challenges (don’t forget to hide your answer in a spoiler tag!). Also, a handful of us ACEs will write up our solutions with some alternative solutions from other people every week as a summary for those who can’t keep up on the daily!


Again, if you are up for a challenge and want to grow your Alteryx skills, then this is the event of the year for you and starts on Dec 1st!


The Advent of Code leaderboard only supports up to 200 at a time, so you need to jump in right away as it will fill up quickly. We all help each other, and you’ll get to work alongside the best Alteryx users in the world to really stretch the limits of what Alteryx can do!


Note: There were a handful who signed up and then didn’t end up solving. They have been removed, and assumed that they just got busy with other stuff last year (priorities folks! Priorities!). This is a new year, and everyone is encouraged to sign up and go after it!


Any questions? Please post below or join us on the WhatsApp group linked above! 😊


Please share far and wide with anyone using Alteryx at your organizations!


Now, as a final incentive…I am working on a devious and completely undercover operation to raid the swag closet at Alteryx HQ while no one is looking, so if any of you might want to go ahead and get the most points overall, you know. There might be a package headed your way with a surprise or two 😉

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

An AOC community badge now you have definitely got my attention 😎

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora




#WestCoastBestCoast, @JoshuaB !! Especially when it comes to crushing you in Advent of Code 😁

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Looking forward to that badge! 👀

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Oooooo boy, can't wait to spend 3 hours a day troubleshooting the most ridiculous mistakes imaginable again! Bring on the badge 😎


I'm just going to imagine everyone of these challenges as a game of darts @NicoleJ 





Folks remember if you want to get warmed up you can do the past years puzzles here: 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

How do I sign up? Just answer via General forum or must I write in a form? Excited!

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Ready (or not totally maybe) to build some iterative macro iterating around things :D

9 - Comet

Woah 🤩


I was going to spend December focusing on my Python skills, but there is a BADGE on offer, well clearly I have to prioritise my life! AoC AoC

Excited to see if I get further than last year! 🤣

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I'd love to get that badge!

I remember nice memories of last year AoC....never ending iteration Macro, exponentially increasing records, Designer suddenly shutdown .... and, it would be again this year. I'm excited!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I'm excited to give this a try! And looking forward to asking you all for help :) 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Are any of you doing some warmup by going back to previous years?

You can see any previous years that you may have participated here: Events - Advent of Code 2023

and if you want to go back to a previous year - you can go all the way back to 2015



13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

YAY!!! I’ve been looking forward to this all year 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I used to be satisfied with a small piece of candy every morning.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Team #BruteForce standing by


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@OllieClarke there is no other way...

11 - Bolide

Ahhhhh I was all ready to explain why I don't have time and then @Gem told me about the badge so...

11 - Bolide

@JoshuaB - Thanks for organising the badges and event :)

Our wonderful Alteryx Ambassadors at JLL, @alisonpitt & @Gem want to give our team a chance to collect points on our JLL adventure... We can't break the current point structure, but we could give people points equivalent to the normal weekly challenges.

Which category do you suggest we use - basic, intermediate or difficult? 



I think most Advent of Code would fall under intermediate and advanced. Thoughts? 


  how to be display in your group please ? 

  The code 908788-a11e85b1 doesn't seem working. I can't add it on, when I try, I have the message : "That isn't a recognized sponsor join code.".


  Thank you

11 - Bolide

@JoshuaB agree - maybe in the spirit of Christmas we'll award every challenge as Difficult / Advanced :) thanks for responding so quickly 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Now I feel you.


8 - Asteroid

Forgot to check earlier, but it looks like I didn't get the badge - were there other requirements apart from joining the leaderboard and participating? I know I was often working on problems a few days after the fact, so I didn't really participate in discussions (for reference, I'm #61 on the private leaderboard). No worries if I missed something, just wanted to check!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@matthewblandford To get the badge you had to respond to at least one of the discussion threads on the Community about Advent of Code! 😊 Next year we will make sure to highlight this more in the blog, apologies for the confusion. 

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Will we be having an Alteryx leaderboard again this year 👀


Yes we sure will! Make sure you are on our AoC Whatsapp group for updates. I'll be posting information here on the community as well soon.