On Sunday the 15th of July, a group of passionate Alteryx users in Bangalore visited Sai Krushna Trust as a part of the Alteryx For Good Initiative to do good.
Sai Krushna Trust is a recipient of a free Alteryx Designer License through the Alteryx For Good Program. The SK Trust focuses on providing completely free education to the kids from nearby villages, along with free food and other school-related requirements. They also provide a homestay for the orphan kids, along with a free medical facility for their guests.
15 Alteryx for Good Bangalore members visited SK Trust for our second visit.
We started off with a brief introduction to the charity by - @vinodcartic who heads the charity firm. Along with the Alteryx for Good volunteers, local volunteers from the community and some of the staff members.
@vinodcartic then went on to provide a brief overview on potential Alteryx use cases. This was very helpful and well documented by the team. From there, we decided to divide the team into four groups.
- Digitization: Assisting charity to transform their data from hard copies – Transforming question banks onto excel
- Alteryx Training: Training other volunteers and staff members on Alteryx
- Alteryx Use Case Building: Building Alteryx models related to the use cases mentioned
- Other potential opportunities: Exploring other areas where potentially we can create impact using Alteryx and other means
Here is just a sampling of the use cases we uncovered:
- Auto Generation of Certificates – For the academic, sports and cultural events of the school
- Auto Generation of Report Cards – A PDF report card generated based upon standard input
@rusheen2r and @viveksahoo were quick enough to build the models for these two use cases. @Ashwathnkamath and @princejindal also built a model that helps them track and send notifications related to donations. Simultaneously @Nezrin was busy training the other volunteers and staff members and not to forget she received superb feedback for the same! Kudos @Nezrin!
The digitization group @Sindhu1, @Mouzam_Mulla , @DeepuPaul, Somal Lilha, and @Nandu - focused on digitizing the question papers for a couple of subjects.
We had around 10-12 use cases for Alteryx and Data digitization. We were also inquisitive to know more about other challenges faced by the charity and that is where we got a really good overall exposure and overview. This discussion was led by @SeanAdams and Subrat and myself.
We took a break for awesome lunch arranged by SK Trust! Thank you, @vinodcartic and team, for such a great gesture. After a fulfilling lunch, we were back to solving challenges using Alteryx! The team worked on giving a final touch to the pending workflows and digitization. Not to forget, we also had some great fun with the kids!

As it was @SeanAdams last day with us in India (but of course not his last visit!), we surprised him with a farewell cake.
@SeanAdams, we all thank you, genuinely for all the support and encouragement you have provided all of us and we could not have seen this day without your help and vision. We will continue to take support and advice from you to further grow Alteryx for Good in India!
We have met so many amazing people along this journey which includes a passionate NASA / ISRO scientist. He visits SK Trust to teach kids Math and Science. He also loved the work that the Alteryx For Good India team was doing across Bangalore.
During the closing note, we all shared our updates on what each team accomplished. We thanked @vinodcartic and his team for making us feel a part of their family and for also giving us all the support. Overall, some of these use cases will help SK Trust save hours and hours of manual efforts and help them invest this time for their greatest initiative which is providing a better education and creating a better health program for the kids in the village.
With all this in mind, let's not forget to acknowledge the Alteryx Team (@ToriA @QuyenT @Tuvy @MaddieJ) for their overwhelming support and guidance. We know there is a great deal of potential for organizations, like the SK Trust and other charities around the world who can leverage Alteryx to do good.
This is just a small step towards making this world a better place.
Keep Alteryxing! Keep Doing Good with Data!