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ADAPT Discussions

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Starter Kits

8 - Asteroid

Hi, do participants in the Adapt program have access to starter kits?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @cs11 ,


Do you have access to the download portal ?





8 - Asteroid

I don't believe so, no.

8 - Asteroid

I realize that lack of access can be the answer - given no access, the answer is no. There's additional information that would be useful. Alteryx does have a page that allows request for access, so it would be useful to understand if participation in the ADAPT program is sufficient or at least partially sufficient to obtain approval for access. If participation in the program is partially sufficient then it would be worthwhile to understand any additional requirements.

The information provided on the kits is not very specific, it is difficult to determine the content and utility based on the information available. I would like to be able to review the content of at least one kit in order to understand whether it can be built into a business model. That requirement is probably a bit less than the business case that Alteryx is typically looking for when granting approval, yet does seem to fit in with the goals of the ADAPT program.