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I passed my core certification on October 29. When will I get Udacity access?

7 - Meteor

Hi Guys,


I passed my core certification on October 29. Its been over 9 working days and I have not received any email from Udacity.


How can I proceed from here ?


Really appreciate your guidance.


Regards, Ravi

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @c_raviram 


This page might help you out



And might provide you a point of contact to.


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @c_raviram 


I think this might your point of contact fulfillment@alteryx.com


All the best 🙂

7 - Meteor

I already contacted them few days back and they have asked to get in touch with the Academy and AFG team.


Also, I have gone through the link which you shared above. It says by end of week, one can get the access to Udacity.


I still have not received.


Anyways, thanks for your message.


Regards, Ravi

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Oh ok ok


Let me know how you were able to solve at the end.


You can click on more options of the post (... option at the right top of the post) and notify moderator they maybe able to help you out.

7 - Meteor

Thanks, I have notified the moderator.

Hopes this get resolved soon.