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5 - Atom



My name is Staresa Smith and I am currently studying Managerial Accounting. As part of my course requirements, I am working on an Alteryx portfolio for students. This portfolio will consist of websites that are specifically designed to cater to the needs of students.

The purpose of this portfolio is to provide a platform where students can access various resources and tools to enhance their learning experience. These websites will offer a range of features such as interactive tutorials, practice exercises, study materials, and collaborative platforms for students to connect and engage with each other.


Through this portfolio, I aim to create a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that addresses the specific needs of students in the field of Managerial Accounting. I believe that by providing easy access to relevant resources and fostering a collaborative learning environment, students will be able to enhance their understanding of the subject and improve their academic performance.

I am excited about this project and the opportunity to contribute to the learning journey of fellow students. I am confident that the websites included in this portfolio will be valuable resources that will support students in their studies and help them succeed in their academic endeavors.


Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to sharing the completed portfolio with you.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Staresasmith Welcome to the Maveryx Community! That sounds impressive what you are trying to do! We have some great resources on the community to help with learning! You can find them under "Learn"! Please let us know if you have any questions.

9 - Comet

Welcome to the #Maveryx @Staresasmith ! That sounds like an amazing project. Reach out if you need any help. 
