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Weekly Challenges

Solve the challenge, share your solution and summit the ranks of our Community!

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Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.


Weekly Challenge Index & Welcome (Page 1)

9 - Comet
Inspired by @kelly_gilbert's graphic and countless others' journeys here is a graphic of mine
2020-02-08 10_04_08-Greenshot.png
My favorites: Find Ned! because the entire thread is one of those 'made me feel like a fly in the room' with the greatest minds from the inception of Alteryx creating one of the greatest threads.
The Locker Problem this one I will never forget because it is one of those few that can surprisingly be done with only a single tool.  It was a great mathematical feat and truly fun to learn and investigate the solutions and theory behind them.
Let's not forget creating a Periodic Table of Alteryx Tools.  That one had a BIG learning curve, having never quite used the Reporting tools before.
The challenges leading to the greatest lift at work have been the ones dealing with batch macros, a treasure trove of amazing functionality.  Specifically, The Thousand File Challenge.
The challenges with everybody solving with a different tactic, those were my favorites too.  Specifically, The Plinko Challenge comes to mind, where it didn't seem 'great minds think alike' and was more like 'great minds have different solutions and they're all incredible'. #NeverStopLearning
8 - Asteroid

Thank you for sharing @SamDesk

5 - Atom

No Pain No Gain ---------------------

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

We know a lot of weekly challenge feedback gets posted here. As a active member of the weekly challenge, we want to hear from you as to what you think should be some future enhancements. What would you like to see? 

Post your ideas in this discussion

8 - Asteroid

Very useful summary. Thx a lot.

8 - Asteroid

Was looking for just this.


Would have thought I made it into the top 10 of challenge solvers over the past 30 days. Solved over 30 challenges in the past week. How often is this updated?



7 - Meteor

Thanks for sharing

5 - Atom

Thanks for this.

8 - Asteroid

For some reason this suddenly stopped working. Getting zero results.

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot @JoeM  for keeping all the challenges at a single place.

One can directly copy the data of weekly challenges in to a workflow by putting in a text tool and filtering the challenges acoording to:

Difficulty type(Begginer/Intermediate/Advanced)

Question Type (Spatial/prep/Cleaning etc)