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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAI tried to identify only tweets that actually contained the identified hashtags and then used text to rows for the hashtag column to identify where multiple of the identified tweets could have been used within one tweet. Then I unioned all of the filters for the information only pertaining to the hashtags identified.
Since the sky was the limit in creating an output and this first part was mainly focusing on restructuring and clean-up that is what I decided to focus on. I first only wanted to keep tweets for consideration and counts that actually contained a hashtag, especially the identified tweets in each respective file. I converted the date and time from a string to an actual date time to actually be considered and used for review. Finally, used text to rows to separate all hashtags used per tweet in case multiple hashtags were used per tweet that should have individual counts and then used filters to then only include the original 10 hashtags that are being analyzed for a final unioned and reformatted output.
Massive exercise but thoroughly enjoyed. PFA my solution. There can be more insights based on data available but I could currently think of very simple analytical questions.
As always thanks to all SMEs for practice exercise. Workflow package with app was very big hence a snippet and .yxmd file attached as ref.
Just filtered to hashtags for later analysis.