Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
A solution to last week's challenge can be found here.
This challenge comes to us from @caro_smith . Thank you for your contribution, Caro!
When you move an Excel process to Alteryx, often it is necessary to convert Excel formulas so they can be used by Alteryx tools. Each column in an Excel workbook is referenced by a letter or letters: A, B, C... Z, AA, AB... AZ, etc. These letters can also be used in Excel formulas.
Instead of constantly searching for the column each formula references, we will use Alteryx Designer to create a list of the column header names and their associated header reference letter or letters.
In this challenge you will start with a dataset that contains only the column names. Yes, you read that correctly—no records, just headers!
Your task is to create a new dataset with two columns. The first column should include the header name as the value for each row. The second column in the solution should contain the corresponding reference letter or letters for each of the original header names.
Hi -
Most of the work here is done in the formula tool converting the digits into columns headers.
I previously solved this in the context of making a new dynamic macro for excel outputs that populates the range for you based on the size of the data and the starting point for the sheet, and handles 3 letter column headers as well.
Here is a link to the prior post that discuss the conversion from and to letters/numbers