Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEATrigger: When a new email arrives (V3)
Folder: Inbox
Action: Get email (V2)
Message Id: TriggerOutputs()?['body/MessageId']
Action: Create item (SharePoint)
Site Address: "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite"
List Name: "Emails"
Title: TriggerOutputs()?['body/Subject']
Sender Name: TriggerOutputs()?['body/From']['Name']
Date: TriggerOutputs()?['body/ReceivedTime']
Condition: If Has Attachments (from Get email action)
If true:
Action: Apply to each (Attachment in Get email Attachments)
Action: Get attachment (V2)
Message Id: TriggerOutputs()?['body/MessageId']
Attachment Id: Item()?['Id']
Action: Create file (SharePoint)
Site Address: "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite"
Folder Path: "/Shared Documents/Attachments" // Adjust as needed
File Name: Item()?['Name']
File Content: GetAttachmentContent()?['ContentBytes']