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I used a formula, 3 unique tools, a join and three select tools in order to solve both.
-I did get seven countries with two days for New Years. Russia has New Year's Day and New Year Holiday, as that is the reason that I think that it was showing if you used a contains like I did. I dropped the 's and just used New Year and came up with Russia.
They say that getting there is half the fun. And for me 'there' is to Alteryx where I recently began a new career as a Strategic CSM. Wouldn't be there if it weren't for the Weekly Challenges! Most of my activity will likely be at my new account at @ggruccioAYX. In the meantime I will use this account to post weekly challenges here.
I got a different answer for the first output (countries with 2 or more days of holidays for the New Year), and I think that is because Suriname, China, Bolivia, and Russia's extra days do not contain "New Year's Day" in the english_name field. For example, Bolivia celebrates "Andean New Year" which I think should qualify it for the first output. Suriname and China both celebrate Chinese New Year. Russia has 5 days after New Year's Day called "New Year holiday." I identified these by filtering for holidays containing "New Year" but not "Eve" in the english_name field.
For the second output, I got the same 5 countries that do not have at least one New Year holiday.
The first one of these I've completed!
Hi! Here is my take 😊