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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAHere is my submission, solve it with an iterative macro.
Fun one
Non-macro implementation of Schurig's table method. Works for even and odd numbers of competitors. For odd number of competitors consider pairing 1 of every week to be a by.
Found this site helpful as well. https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/cryptography/modarithmetic/a/what-is-modular-...
Went a non-macro route that works with any even number of participants
Went for the idea of creating a Meeting Counter, so each time a pair met, the counter goes up by one. Every week planning for meeting, we start with the pairing with lowest counter (i.e. met least amount of time).
N.B. due to the initial alphabetical sorting of name, the bottom pair was forced to meet until the top combination run out, (some random sorting could solve this issue). Though in the long run, it should even out.
Several attempts later...