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Challenge #23: Parsing CPG Data

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The key thing that I do with this type of data every time is separate the data from the headers and deal with them separately.


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8 - Asteroid

Here goes!

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8 - Asteroid

My solution. It works, but I don't like that my solution isn't very dynamic.

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8 - Asteroid

This is an interesting one!

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8 - Asteroid

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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Managed to keep it fairly simple, and dynamic other than a couple field names (Week and brand, which will hopefully never change)



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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Found this challenge very difficult, my solution is sadly not dynamic. It did the job on this occasion though.

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8 - Asteroid

This was tough.  My approach seemed to take too many tools but it seems like most solutions did. 


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8 - Asteroid

This was tough.  My approach seemed to take too many tools but it seems like most solutions did. 


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8 - Asteroid

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