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Challenge #23: Parsing CPG Data

8 - Asteroid

My solution, similar to others. 

Thank you. 

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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I'm amazed at the number of different ways people attacked this problem. Learned a lot. Got the right result but I did go the extra step and clean up the numbers so they can actually be used for analysis.

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8 - Asteroid

Wow this was a tough one. I took a different approach to most I think. I cant find another solution quite like mine. Mine does work though and will continue to work as records are added.

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10 - Fireball

This challenge is very applicable to what I have been asked to do with my Alteryx license. This is going to be required learning for any new license holders on my team. Also great Core prep.

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8 - Asteroid

My version, and #50!

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7 - Meteor

My solution!

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8 - Asteroid

My Solution..  needed some help with my thought process, but finally figured it out..


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8 - Asteroid

Here's my solution!

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