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Challenge #23: Parsing CPG Data

8 - Asteroid

My solution is attached.

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8 - Asteroid

Solution attached

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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

My solution:

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14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

My solution to this challenge

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8 - Asteroid

A lot of steps here, but it's a very common use case so excellent practice!


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10 - Fireball

 This was a fun one once I got beyond the start file being labeled week 22.  Looking forward to see how some other people did this as I imagine there are a number of way to get to the result.

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Well, this baked my noodle more than it should have. Got there eventually:



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11 - Bolide

This was fun, and one of the things Alteryx is really good at


Here is my take



Still on my way to Lhotse Face



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14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Probably not the neatest way to deal with nested headers, but such a good challenge is this is a common problem when dealing with Excel files and needing to turn the data into a table.


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Check out my collaboration with fellow ACE Joshua Burkhow at
8 - Asteroid

Very common problem so it was a good exercise

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