The challenge is how to split string value when it contains multiple delimiters e.g. "Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow",123,'16-JUN-01'
1.) Text to column: Split by comma 2.) Regex: replace " with nothing, replace ' with nothing 3.) DateTime: Convert date (string type) to date (date type)
Alteryx solution used 1 Formula function to replace my 3 functions (2 regex and 1 datetime) Alteryx approach as below
1.) Text to column: Split by comma 2.) Formula: Trim([1], ' " ') & DateTimeParse((Trim([3], " ' ")),"%d-%b-%y") [1] & [3] are variables, which means the string value of column named "1" and the other column named "3" %d-%b-%y, not sure about this part, guessing b represent month, it then convert the original string value datatime to a default datetime yyyy-mm-dd
Much better, as less function used, but achieve same goal