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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAGreat Sunday morning Coffee challenge.
Few interesting recipes here @Hollingsworth - finding word boundaries; checking for differences vs. a second data set etc.
I've added in a simple and more complex way to compare your answer to the solution (Many people will use the CREW macros @MarqueeCrew ), here's a way to build your own: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Engine-Works-Blog/Compare-2-Data-Sets/ba-p/88853
Excellent examples. Thanks, @SeanAdams!
For the bonus, I picked The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, what a great story, and sourced from Project Gutenberg.
It's Top 10 words, filtered for >= 8 characters (to eliminate the The's, A's, I's, etc.) are the characters in it (mostly).
Interesting challenge. Messy solution by all means and seemed to take different approach as my total word count was less than the output solution.
Room for improvement for sure.
My solution:
Nice challenge