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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAHere's my solution.
Looked at this one for absolutely ages and didn't really use that much Alteryx, rather just brute forcing logic going down a list of words. I found that isolating my list to words whose pig latin started with A just about allowed me to find a new letter or two with every run of the workflow. Not pretty but worked in the end.
I'm thankful for all the tips that every 2 characters represented one letter or character in the message. Identified that "ks" represented a space, then found "t" and "h" as "the" is one of the most frequent three letter words. Then identified the rest of the vowels since they provided the code for "a" and "y." After that I found "b" for since we already had "y" "by" was easier to identify. Then following the same behavior I found "s", "f", "r", and "n." Then after reading some of the other posts the second letter in a code when capitalized is the capital letter. That then gave me over 26 characters identified which was enough for the macro provided to give the rest of the solved characters and I found the overall final message in Pig Latin.
What a horrible horrible challenge this is and was. I am so glad I have something that resembles a solution workflow. Here's my take - over and out!