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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA group of friends are playing their favorite game. Not being a bunch of data analysts and understanding the importance of inputting data in an easy to work with way, they devised an incredibly inefficient way to keep score of their game! In the game, there is 5 rounds of play and 5 players (a,b,c,d,e - first letter of their names). For each lowercase letter under their initial, 1 point is awarded. For each uppercase letter, 1 point is subtracted from their overall score. As the only right and fair arbiter, they call you in to use Alteryx to figure out each players score for each round and their respective totals. Who won?
This was a fun one this week! Took a different approach then I thought I would end with.
My solution!
Similar to Nicole's solution without the CReW macro.
I don't know who in their right mind would keep score this way, but there are a LOT of times people store data in formats that don't make sense to me.
First time participating in a weekly challenge.