Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week's Challenge has been posted here!
This week's Challenge really should be called "From Data Preparation Nightmare to Sweet Survey Dreams: Inspired by a True Story". After sending out a survey, I received the results in a format that made me shudder. But then, I remembered: I have Alteryx.
Same, Kip....same.
Because I had so much fun with this real-life Challenge, I thought it might be right up your alley, too! The input data contains the survey responses from conference attendees. Parse and organize the provided survey data so that each survey responder's first name, last name, occupation industry and conference requests are aligned in a single record.
My solution! Interested to see who can come up with some smaller-number-of-tools solutions... mine seemed a bit lengthy.