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Hello everybody!
We are back and happy to announce our Q3 meeting for 2023. There have been some challenges lately, but we are definitely excited to be back.
This quarter we are only going to meet virtually. Join us for some amazing Alteryxing at our next User Group meeting for Q3 2023, where we will share some exciting use cases, and community updates.
I am excited to announce that we have a new UG Leader: Shishir Handa (Shish1) joined the Leadership group here in Toronto. Please welcome him and looking forward to his continued support and leadership.
Also excited that Milos Bijelic, Alteryx SE in Toronto will be joining the meeting to present some updates on the product including Cloud tools. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to hear first hand from him. Bring your questions for him on the product.
Date: Wednesday, 9th August 2023
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM EST
Virtual: Zoom
Just click "Yes" on the top right corner to RSVP and see the Zoom link to join.
Select "Add to Calendar" on the right-hand side above the map to block the time in your calendar.
Updated Agenda
5:00: Introductions
5:10 - 5:30 - Presentation from Shishir on PDF parsing, keeping it simple
5:30 - 5:55 - Updates on Alteryx Cloud and product updates
5:55 onwards - Networking
It will be an excellent opportunity to get everyone excited about Alteryx. Bring your questions, thoughts, and experiences!
We are also looking for new members who are interested in joining the Leadership core team in Toronto. Please connect with Pankaj Kotak and/or Shishir Handa if you are interested.
I hope there would be recorded session for this meeting as well.
Hello Toronto Alteryx Friends,
It was great to reconnect with you all virtually during Q3. And apologies for the delay in posting this recap and recording.
What a way to start, as we welcomed a new leader Shishir to the Leadership team. It was his first attendance in a UG meeting as a leader while he has been involved with UG meetings for few years and is a great personal friend of mine. Welcome Shishir and looking forward to some great ideas and support from you!
Shishir also presented a cool use case on PDF parsing. It was good to see some interaction going on from the friend on the call and asking him questions. It was pretty cool, and thanks Shishir as it will make life easier for some friends to use your solution to automate PDF parsing for their organizations.
Also, welcome Milos, Alteryx SE from Toronto who presented Alteryx Cloud product updates. It was exciting and there was lots to cover. We will definitely call him back to chat more about new features on Designer, Server and Cloud platforms. Thank you Milos!
Looking forward to the next meeting very soon! Take care in the meantime and hope you all had a great Halloween!
Here is the recording: