Mikael's presentation starts at 08:06
Group discussion about how to make Alteryx better starts at 28:07
Hi everyone,
It was a pleasure seeing you for the latest virtual Nordic user group meeting. This time we were hit by several members calling in sick, so we were just four people on the call. We didn't let this hold us back and pressed on with presentation and a lively group discussion - see the video times for these above.
Main takeaways:
1) Alteryx Designer is great at scaling up in performance on high-powered computers. We demonstrated a 100x improvement in compute capacity compared to our current Alteryx Server platform - and 50x cheaper. Yes, you read correctly! Check out the presentation to learn how.
2) We tried imagining a few things that could make Alteryx even better; here's what we came up with:
Better search and replace functionality.
Make configuring input tools with database connection react faster.
Make Designer crash less often.
Improve the interactive chart tool.
Make histogram tool (and maybe even all R based tools?) faster.
Cheaper Alteryx server product and less restrictions on the compute resources available.
Built-in Designer tool for scheduling workflows to run on local machine
Get a lot more Alteryx users.
Improve Alteryx server web-interface.
3) great news: we have a volunteer presenter for our next meeting: Daniel Grudlev will discuss his recent experiences with migration of data connections. This is something that can eat up a lot of ressources and maybe he can help us be smarter about it?
Next meeting will be on the 11th of December.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Until then, enjoy the fall season while working smarter and not harder!
Best regards,
Mikael Svalgaard & Johan Kristensen