Stockholm, SE

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AUG Stockholm Q4 recap

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone. 

Just a quick recap of the Q4 AUG in Stockholm. We were 7 participants who meet up in the Old town at a place called the Liffey. 

A short intro of everyone and a recap of our year with Alteryx started off the meeting and lead us in into the oh! so important quiz. The first annual Stockholm AUG Quiz championship was decided and the Champion is Bianca.  Fantastic prizes in the form of cottonbags and coffe mugs was awarded. After that we had indepth discussions regarding the exact color of the transformation tools and life in general. 

If you have suggestions or presentations for coming agendas please contact me or just post in the forum. 


Merry Christmas and a happy new year! and I hope to see you all next year. 


Best regards//Leif