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St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the St. Louis User Group

Click in the JOIN GROUP button to follow our news and attend our events!

Next STLAUG Meeting Coming Up - June 24th, 2020!!!

6 - Meteoroid

Your STL Alteryx User Group Leads are busy planning a great User Group Session on June 24!  Details and registration link will be sent soon!

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Shout out to @ADerbak @Derangedvisions @Treyson - they all look so serious!  (probably could have told them I was taking a screen shot)

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

your tabs give me a lot of anxiety

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
6 - Meteoroid

That's not even as bad as it got!  I was working on a Python project to read in data from the Peloton API ( and at one point, I had 16 Stack Overflow tabs open 🙂 - in addition to everything else.

6 - Meteoroid

I'm down to a more reasonable 5 tabs right now.